Health and Dental Care

Viewing 1-10 of 18 results (listed by best match)

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Englewood Community Care Clinic

The Englewood Community Care Clinic is a nonprofit medical clinic that provides no-cost episodic medical care and limited dental services to the uninsured residents, ages 18-64, of Englewood and surrounding communities (both Charlotte and Sarasota counties).

Services: Administration Volunteer Opportunities, Community Clinics, Medical Care Volunteer Opportunities, Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs, Nursing Care Volunteer Opportunities, Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs

6868 San Casa Dr

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 681-2081

Englewood Community Hospital

Acute care hospital with 24/7 emergency care.

Services: Hospitals, Outpatient Health Facilities, Physician Referrals, Support Groups

700 Medical Blvd

Englewood, FL 34223

(941) 475-6571

Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida

Multi-specialty primary health care and dental services for all ages including pediatrics.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry, Pediatrics

4300 Kings Highway, Suites 210

Schoolhouse Square Plaza

Punta Gorda, FL 33980

(844) 342-7935

Florida Agency for Health Care Administration -- Health Quality Assurance

AHCA performs regulatory inspections (surveys) of licensed health care facilities; certification of health care facilities that receive Medicare; and investigation of complaints against health care facilities.

Services: Health Care Referrals, Health Facility Complaints, Health Facility Licensing, State Government Information Services

2295 Victoria Ave, Room 340

Regional Services Center

Fort Myers, FL 33901

(239) 335-1315

Florida Department of Health

Promotes and protects the health, and safety of Florida residents through the delivery of public health services and the promotion of health care standards.

Services: Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Consumer Complaints, Immunizations, Pediatric Dentistry, Physician/Surgeon Complaints, Prenatal Care, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, State Government Information Services, Substance Use Disorder Services

2585 Merchants Row Blvd, Ste 210

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-4342

Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County

The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County provides vital statistics, the WIC program, public health preparedness, disease control/prevention, environmental health services (moved from Murdock to Loveland in September 2017), family planning, school health, health promotion, immunizations, and adult and pediatric dental care.

Services: Adult Residential Facility Licensing, AIDS/HIV Control, Beach Closures/Water Contact Advisories, Birth Certificates, Birth Control, Case/Care Management Referrals, Child Passenger Safety Education, Death Certificates, Dental Care, Disease Specific Communicable Disease Control, Fuel Storage Tank Regulation, Immunizations, Manufactured/Mobile Home Park Inspection, Pediatric Dentistry, Personal Service Health Inspections, Pool Sanitation, Pregnancy Counseling, Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs, Public Facility Health Inspection, Septic System Inspection/Maintenance

1100 Loveland Blvd

Port Charlotte, FL 33980

(941) 624-7200

HCA Florida Fawcett Hospital

237-bed acute care center serving the Charlotte County community and surrounding areas offers physicians referral service & social club program.

Services: Hospitals, Medical Information Services, Outpatient Health Facilities, Physician Referral Services, Specialized Counseling Services, Support Groups

21298 Olean Blvd

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 629-1181

Millennium Walk in Clinic

Walk in medical center offering care for minor emergencies and illness.

Services: Community Clinics, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Physical Examinations, Health Screening/Diagnostic Services, Nutrition Education

2400 S McCall Rd C

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 474-9314

Millennium Walk-In Medical Center

Walk in medical center offering care for minor emergencies and illness.

Services: Community Clinics, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, Outpatient Health Facilities

2450 Tamiami Trail, Ste A

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 624-2704

National Headache Foundation

The National Headache Foundation disseminates information about headache causes and treatments; sponsors public education seminars; funds research; publishes a quarterly magazine and a monthly e-newsletter; and provides a variety of headache-related facts and suggestions.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health Related Advocacy Groups, Physician Referral Services, Research Funds

820 N Orleans, Ste 411

Chicago, IL 60610

(312) 274-2650

Viewing 1-10 of 18 results (listed by best match)
