Aging and Adult Services

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Senior Friendship Centers, Inc. - Lee County

Lee County site offers - Congregate dining site, home delivered meals, and in home services.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Emergency Food, Home Delivered Meals, Telephone Reassurance

12734 Kenwood Lane, Unit 85

Fort Myers, FL 33907

(239) 275-1881

Senior LIfe/ Desoto Memorial Hospital

Group and Individual Counseling, IUP intensive outpatient program, outpatient counseling.

Services: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Paratransit Programs, Specialized Counseling Services

900 N. Robert Ave.

Arcadia, FL 34266

(863) 491-4309

SEDNET - Region 8B

SEDNET serves as a collaborative resource for school districts, agencies and families working to promote positive educational and community-based outcomes for children with emotional and/or behavioral disabilities.

Services: Parent/Family Involvement in Education, Special Education Plan Development, Student Disability Services

25 E. Hickpochee Ave.

Hendry County School District

Labelle, FL 33935

(863) 674-4164 x238

United Cerebral Palsy of Southwest Florida

UCP provides services such as adult day training, residential programs/group homes, some program-related transportation, advocacy, education and referral services to individuals with disabilities (physical and/or developmental) and their families.

Services: Advocacy, Clerical Volunteer Opportunities, Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs, Fundraising Volunteer Opportunities, Gardening Volunteer Opportunities, Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities, Health/Disabilities Related Volunteer Opportunities, Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities, Reading Services for People With Disabilities, Recreational Activities Volunteer Opportunities, Sewing/Needlecraft Volunteer Opportunities, Specialized Information and Referral

810 SE 10th Court

Cape Coral, FL 33990

(239) 574-0068

CC Tax Collector & DMV, Englewood

The Tax Collector collects/issues: property taxes, personal property taxes, tourist development taxes, vehicle registration renewals, title transfers, parking permits, hunting and fishing licenses, driver's licenses, business tax receipts and concealed weapons permits.

Services: Business Tax Information, Disability Parking Permits, Driver Licenses, Driver Training, Fishing Licenses, Government Information Services, Hunting Licenses, Identification Devices, Local Tax Collection Agencies, Parking Permits, Property Tax Information

6868 San Casa Dr

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 681-3710

CC Tax Collector & DMV, Punta Gorda

The Tax Collector collects/issues: property taxes, personal property taxes, tourist development taxes, vehicle registration renewals, title transfers, parking permits, hunting and fishing licenses, driver's licenses, business tax receipts and concealed weapons permits.

Services: Business Tax Information, Disability Parking Permits, Driver Licenses, Driver Training, Fishing Licenses, Government Information Services, Hunting Licenses, Identification Devices, Local Tax Collection Agencies, Parking Permits, Property Tax Information

410 Taylor St

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 743-1350

A Place for Mom

A Place for Mom (APFM) assist seniors and families find senior housing and senior care based on their unique needs and budget.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Aging Associations, Assisted Living Facilities, Case/Care Management, Case/Care Management Referrals, Senior Housing Information and Referral

1300 Dexter Ave N, Ste 400

Corporate Headquarters

Seattle, WA 98109

(941) 209-4023

Community Resource Network of Florida, Inc.

We are a Med-Waiver and Family Supported Living Waiver provider that strives to deliver an array of support services to our clients and families.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Companionship, Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities, Friendly Visiting, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Paratransit Programs, Personal Care, Physical/Occupational Therapy Aids, Speech and Hearing, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

525 Bowman Terrace

Pt Charlotte, FL 33953

(941) 330-3101

Florida Department of Transportation, SW Florida

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) districts vary in organizational structure, but in general each has major divisions for Administration, Planning, Production and Operations.

801 N Broadway Ave

Bartow, FL 33830

(863) 519-2300

Friendship Cafe at Harbor Heights

Friendship Cafe Dining Site - Congregate meals served to seniors at Senior Friendship Center meal sites throughout Charlotte County offer a chance to socialize.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Multipurpose Centers, Senior Centers

2295 Aaron St

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 373-5027

Viewing 11-20 of 125 results (listed by best match)
