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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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CHADD of Lee County

CHADD of Lee County (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) provides support groups and training for professionals, along with a national resource guide.

Services: Condition Specific Treatment, Disease/Disability Information, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Specialized Counseling Services, Specialized Information and Referral

14851 David Dr

Fort Myers, FL 33908

(239) 940-2578

Charlotte Behavioral Health Care

Charlotte Behavioral Health Care provides a wide array of crisis stabilization, mental health and substance abuse programs and services for adults, children and adolescents.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Adult Psychiatry, Adult Residential Treatment Facilities, Alcohol Detoxification, Case/Care Management, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation, Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines, Crisis Residential Treatment, Drug Courts, Drug Detoxification, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Jail Diversion Programs for Offenders with a Mental Illness, Juvenile Diversion, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Parenting Skills Classes, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

1700 Education Ave

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 639-8300

Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition

Healthy Start Coalition operates the community ‘Connect’ program for Charlotte County.

Services: Breastfeeding Support Programs, Case/Care Management, Childbirth Education, Diapers, Parenting/Family Support Groups, Parenting Skills Classes, Preconception Care, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care

17825 Murdock Circle

Suite B

Port Charlotte, FL 33953

(941) 764-9700

Cocaine Anonymous World Services

Cocaine Anonymous offers recovery to individuals who are suffering from addiction of any mind altering substance.

Services: Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Substance Use Disorder Services, Support Groups

21720 S Wilmington Ave, Ste 304

Long Beach, CA 90810

(310) 559-5833

Colorectal Cancer Alliance

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance is the leading national nonprofit committed to ending colorectal cancer.

Services: Condition Specific Treatment, Health Supportive Services, Specialized Counseling Services, Support Groups

1025 Vermont Ave NW, Ste 1066

Washington, DC 20005

(877) 422-2030

Community Life Center

Church offers respite, and substance abuse support group, as well as food pantry

Services: Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Adult In Home Respite Care, Adult Out of Home Respite Care, Food Pantries, Substance Use Disorder Services

19048 Edgewater Dr

Pt Charlotte, FL 33948

(941) 629-0999

CTS Addiction and Counseling Services

Offers a holistic motivational approach to treatment to individuals, groups, families, relationship counseling and 30 day substance program for first time offenses.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Family Counseling, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Specialized Counseling Services, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs, Support Groups

18245 Paulson Drive, Suite 129

Punta Gorda, FL 33955

(941) 740-0026

Desoto Memorial Hospital

Services: Group Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Support Groups

4161 Tamiami Trail

Unit 302

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 766-0171

Disability Rights Florida

The Disability Rights Florida provides multiple services to persons with disabilities which include information and referrals, self-advocacy support Investigations into complaints of abuse/neglect/rights violations in facilities and public programs.

Services: Advocacy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Information and Referral

2473 Care Drive Dr, Ste 200

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 488-9071

Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 82

Assist Veterans and their families in obtaining compensation, pensions, medical care, insurance, educational and death benefits from the Veterans administration and other government agencies.

Services: Benefits and Services Assistance, Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Paratransit Programs, Support Groups, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Support Groups

1232 Market Circle, Unit 2B

Pt Charlotte, FL 33953

(941) 629-2833

Viewing 11-20 of 52 results (listed by best match)
