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Viewing 21-30 of 31 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Jesus Loves You Ministry

Jesus Loves You Ministry's Mobile Outreach Program provides assistance for homeless individuals in Charlotte County, including those those who may be suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

Services: Camping Gear, Camping Gear Donation Programs, Case/Care Management, Clerical Volunteer Opportunities, Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities, Donated Specialty Items, Donation Management Volunteer Opportunities, Food Donation Programs, Furniture, General Benefits and Services Assistance, Homeless Transportation Programs, Household Goods Donation Programs, Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies, Identification Application/Replacement Clinics, Job Search Resource Centers, Meal Preparation/Serving Volunteer Opportunities, Ongoing Emergency Food Assistance, Personal/Grooming Supplies

1734 Cedarwood St

Port Charlotte, FL 33948

(941) 979-5232

Lighthouse of Manasota

The Lighthouse of Manasota is a non profit that exists to educate and empower those affected by vision loss so they may enjoy happy, healthy and independent lives.

Services: Assistive Technology Information, Assistive Technology Training, Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Health Education, Independent Living Skills Instruction, Orientation and Mobility Training, Support Groups, Vocational Rehabilitation

7318 N. Tamiami Trial

Sarasota, FL 34243

(941) 359-1404

Loveland Center

Loveland Center's programs equip individuals with disabilities with tools that will improve decision-making, self-sufficiency, self-advocacy, and interaction with the community.

Services: Adult Day Programs, Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs, Special Needs Job Development, Vocational Rehabilitation

157 S Havana Rd

Venice, FL 34292

(941) 493-0016

Pinellas County Job Corps Center

Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program for young people ages 16-24, under the auspices of the U.

Services: Job Corps

500 22nd St S

St Petersburg, FL 33712

(727) 551-2900

ShorePoint Health Port Charlotte

254 bed full service hospital representing more than 40 specialties, including the only licensed obstetric/pediatric units, emergency pediatric medicine, and level II neonatal intensive care unit in CC.

Services: CPR Instruction, First Aid Instruction, Health Screening/Diagnostic Services, Hospitals, Medicare, Outpatient Health Facilities, Physician Referrals, Prenatal Care, Prepared Childbirth

2500 Harbor Blvd

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 766-4122

ShorePoint Health Punta Gorda

Shorepoint Punta Gorda provides healthcare for all citizens in our community.

Services: Health Supportive Services, Hospital/Institutional Visit Volunteer Opportunities, Hospitals, Inpatient Drug Detoxification, Inpatient Medically Assisted Alcohol Detoxification, Medicare, Outpatient Health Facilities, Physician Referrals, Specialized Counseling Services, Support Groups, Volunteer Opportunities

809 E Marion Ave

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 639-3131

Social Security Administration

Agency administers federal Social Security programs, including retirement; disability; survivor benefits; death/burial benefits; Medicare; and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for aged, blind and disabled individuals with limited financial resources.

Services: Federal Government Information Services, Medicare, Social Security Burial Benefits, Social Security Disability Insurance, Social Security Numbers, Social Security Retirement Benefits, Social Security Survivors Insurance, SSI

1600 Tamiami Trail, Ste 200

Florida Central Credit Union Bldg

Port Charlotte, FL 33948

(877) 405-0490

The Homeless Coalition

This agency is a local homeless coalition that offers services for the almost and homeless population.

Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Food Donation Programs, Food Pantries, Homeless Shelter, Household Goods Donation Programs, Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies, Rapid Re-Housing Programs, Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Soup Kitchens, Volunteer Opportunities

1476 Kenesaw St

Port Charlotte, FL 33948

(941) 627-4313

The Homeless Coalition - RRH - DEO

This agency is a local homeless coalition that offers services for the almost and homeless population.

Services: Case/Care Management, Moving Expense Assistance, Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Deposit Assistance

1476 Kenesaw St

Port Charlotte, FL 33948

(941) 627-4313

The Women's Resource Center

The Women's Resource Center provides women (and men) with counseling (marriage, individual or group), life skills training, career planning and educational scholarships.

Services: Career Development, Life Skills Education, Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities, Peer Role Model Programs, Scholarships, Work Clothing, Work Clothing Donation Programs

530 US Highway 41 Bypass S

Brickyard Plaza

Venice, FL 34285

(941) 485-9724

Viewing 21-30 of 31 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
