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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Around the Clock Fitness

We offer discounted rates to our Home Town Heroes ($26.

Services: Physical Fitness

1000 Tamiami Trail

Port Charlotte, FL 33953

(239) 931-6664

Arthritis Foundation Florida Chapter

Education & research for people with arthritis and related diseases including water exercise, interest groups, self-help groups and educational programs.

Services: Arthritis Treatment Centers, Disease/Disability Information, Health Education, Support Groups

14499 N. Dale Mabry Hwy # 139

Tampa, FL 33618

(813) 402-8712

A Safe Haven for Newborns

A Safe Haven for Newborns is dedicated to eliminating the ultimate in infant abuse, abandonment, through education, prevention, direct assistance and grass roots community involvement.

Services: Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns

6955 NW 77TH AVE

STE 302

Miami, FL 33166

Assurance Wireless Lifeline

Company offers free cell phone and services to low income.

Services: Cell Phones, Telephone Service Payment Assistance

PO Box 686

Parsippany, NJ 07054

(888) 898-4888

Autism Society

The society maintains an online database with service provider listings nationwide; publishes a variety of helpful publications, including a quarterly magazine; and maintains a comprehensive information and referral service via a toll-free phone line.

Services: Medical Information Services, Specialized Information and Referral

4340 East-West Hwy, Ste 350

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 657-0881

Autism Speaks South Florida Chapter

Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions across the spectrum and throughout the life span for the needs of people with autism and their families.

Services: Disability Associations, Health Related Advocacy Groups, Specialized Information and Referral

5805 Blue Lagoon Dr, Ste 170

Miami, FL 33126

(786) 235-1165

Bayside Center for Behavioral Health

Bayside offers multiple psychiatric services, including comprehensive inpatient treatment for both adults and children/adolescents.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation, Geriatric Psychiatry, Inpatient Mental Health Facilities

1650 S Osprey Ave

Sarasota, FL 34239

(941) 917-7760

Beacon Clinic

Beacon Clinic offers alcohol and drug abuse counseling, psychiatric evaluations and psychotherapy, medication management, individual and work place stress counseling, marriage, couples and family counseling.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders Screening, Autism Therapy, Conjoint Counseling, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Family Counseling, First Responder Trauma Counseling, General Psychiatry, Individual Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling, Pet Therapy, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Veteran Reintegration Counseling

3782 Tamiami Trail

Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 629-7855

Bethesda House, Catholic Charities DOV

Bethesda House is a Day Center responds to the physical, social and spiritual needs of HIV infected and affected persons.

Services: AIDS/HIV Control, Clothing, Food Pantries, Public Showers/Baths, Specialized Counseling Services

1670 Fourth St

Sarasota, FL 34236

(941) 366-1886

Better Business Bureau of West Florida

Provides general information about products or services, business reviews, background information regarding local businesses, records company complaints handling performances and helps resolve disputes.

Services: Better Business Bureaus

2655 McCormick Dr

Clearwater, FL 33759

(727) 535-5522

Viewing 31-40 of 581 results (listed by best match)
