Children, Youth and Families

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NAACP, Charlotte County Branch 5093

The NAACP works nationwide to ensure equal rights for all and to eliminate discrimination based in race.

Services: Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups, School Supplies

PO Box 512539

Punta Gorda, FL 33951

(941) 883-9242

New Operation Cooper Street

New Operation Cooper Street is a multigenerational center in the Trabue Woods neighborhood of Punta Gorda that works to provide educational support, cultural stimulation and recreational activities.

Services: Day Camps, Extended Child Care, Intergenerational Programs, Mentoring Programs, Tennis

650 Mary St

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 639-3034

Our Mother's Home of Southwest Florida

Our Mother's Home offers an all-inclusive 24/7 residence for teenage foster care girls who have children or who are pregnant.

Services: Maternity Homes

7438 Carrier Rd

Fort Myers, FL 33912

(239) 267-4663

Pilgrim Church

The church provides a pre-school, food pantry, and AA meeting for women.

Services: Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups, Food Pantries, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Kindergartens, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Preschools

24515 Rampart Blvd

Punta Gorda, FL 33980

(941) 629-2633

Project Phoenix

Project Phoenix assists families and individuals who are starting over; or have losses due to fire, loss of home or income, lack of renters insurance, domestic situations, etc.

Services: Appliances, Bedding/Linen, Bicycle Donation Programs, Camping Gear, Camping Gear Donation Programs, Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Disaster Relief Services, Furniture, Holiday Donations, Holiday Programs, Holiday Related Volunteer Opportunities, Household Goods Donation Programs, Kitchenware, Local Bicycle Transportation, Outreach Programs, Soup Kitchens, Street Outreach Volunteer Opportunities, Thrift Shops, Thrift Shop Support Volunteer Opportunities

2960 S. McCall Rd, Unit 110

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 681-2707

Englewood Tidewell

Tidewell Hospice is a full-service palliative care agency for those of all ages -- including children -- with conditions with a prognosis of six months or less, and involves the support of registered nurses, social service, counselors, home health aides and volunteers.

Services: Bereaved Child Support Groups, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Bereavement Volunteer Opportunities, Errand Running/Shopping Assistance, Friendly Visiting, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Hospice Care, Hospice Care Volunteer Opportunities, In Home Hospice Care

12034 N Access Rd

Port Charlotte, FL 33981

(941) 548-2300

Port Charlotte Tidewell

Tidewell Hospice is a full-service palliative care agency for those of all ages -- including children -- with conditions with a prognosis of six months or less, and involves the support of registered nurses, social service, counselors, home health aides and volunteers.

Services: Bereaved Child Support Groups, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Bereavement Volunteer Opportunities, Errand Running/Shopping Assistance, Friendly Visiting, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Hospice Care, Hospice Care Volunteer Opportunities, In Home Hospice Care

1144 Veronica St

Port Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 979-4300

Millennium Walk in Clinic

Walk in medical center offering care for minor emergencies and illness.

Services: Community Clinics, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Physical Examinations, Health Screening/Diagnostic Services, Nutrition Education

2400 S McCall Rd C

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 474-9314

Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Sun Coast-Englewood

This is a remote office of BBBS of the Sun Coast Inc.

Services: Adult/Child Mentoring Programs, Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities

2960 S McCall Rd, Ste 210

Englewood, FL 34224

(941) 473-4003

Postpartum Society of Florida

Volunteer social support and mental health resources for new mothers.

Services: Adult Mentoring Programs, Consumer Involvement Funds, Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities, New Dad Parenting Programs, Parenting/Family Support Groups, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment

1958 Prospect St

Sarasota, FL 34239

(941) 301-8819

Viewing 51-60 of 67 results (listed by best match)
