Aging and Adult Services

Viewing 81-90 of 125 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)

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Mid-County Mini-Transfer & Recycling Facility, CC Public Works Solid Waste

Recycle drop off and transfer facility.

Services: Environment and Public Health/Safety, Refuse Disposal Facilities, Sharps Disposal Programs, Waste Management Services

19675 Kenilworth Blvd

Pt Charlotte, FL 33954

(941) 764-4360

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation

Offers programming and support services to patients with MS, and educational programs to heighten public awareness of MS.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Equipment/Supplies

6520 N Andrews Ave

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

(888) 673-6287

Muscular Dystrophy Association

MDA provides health care services, support and advocacy to families/patients -- along with education to the public -- regarding muscular dystrophy, ALS and related life-threatening diseases that severely weaken muscle strength and mobility.

Services: Caregiver Consultation and Support, Disease/Disability Information, Medical Equipment/Supplies, Muscular Dystrophy Clinics, Specialized Information and Referral, Summer Camps

6315 Presidential Court, Ste 140

Fort Myers, FL 33919

(239) 437-6900

National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service

The NCI provides current cancer information online and by telephone (one-on-one), email or live help online chat.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Federal Government Agencies/Departments, Governmental Contracts/Grants Offices, Health Education, Medical and Health Sciences Research

(800) 422-6237

National Headache Foundation

The National Headache Foundation disseminates information about headache causes and treatments; sponsors public education seminars; funds research; publishes a quarterly magazine and a monthly e-newsletter; and provides a variety of headache-related facts and suggestions.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health Related Advocacy Groups, Physician Referral Services, Research Funds

820 N Orleans, Ste 411

Chicago, IL 60610

(312) 274-2650

National Organization for Rare Disorders

NORD is a Voluntary Health Organization dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them through programs of education, advocacy, research and medication assistance.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs, Specialized Information and Referral, Voluntary Health Organizations

55 Kenosia Ave

Danbury, CT 06810

(800) 999-6673

New Beginnings Transitional Housing

This program features independent-living shared transitional housing for individuals with a mental health diagnosis who are on some form of disability (with income).

Services: Mental Health Halfway Houses

3440 Conway Blvd, Ste 1 D

Port Charlotte, FL 33952

Organ Transplant Recipients of Southwest Florida

This organization is a monthly support group for transplants, those awaiting transplants, caregivers, donors and their families.

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Incidental Medical Expense Assistance

PO Box 100962

Cape Coral, FL 33910

(239) 247-3073

Our Charlotte Elder Affairs Network

OCEAN is a coalition whose members consists of public and private health, human services and social service organizations, and others concerned with elder issues and related unmet needs.

Services: Aging Associations, Senior Advocacy Groups, Senior Housing Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral

PO Box 496269

Port Charlotte, FL 33949

(941) 763-2195

Parkinson's Foundation

The Parkinson's Foundation provides research and education to patients and caregivers regarding all aspects of Parkinson's disease.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Specialized Information and Referral

200 SE 1st St, Ste 800

Miami, FL 33131

(800) 473-4636

Viewing 81-90 of 125 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
