Aging and Adult Services

Viewing 1-10 of 125 results (listed by best match)

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Disability Rights Florida

The Disability Rights Florida provides multiple services to persons with disabilities which include information and referrals, self-advocacy support Investigations into complaints of abuse/neglect/rights violations in facilities and public programs.

Services: Advocacy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Information and Referral

2473 Care Drive Dr, Ste 200

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 488-9071

Florida Department of Elder Affairs

State of Florida department is responsible for administering human service programs for the elders and their caregivers including administering the State wide, toll free Elder Help Line & free 'Elder Update' newspaper.

Services: Elder Law, Information and Referral, Legal Assistance Modalities, Public Guardianship/Conservatorship Programs, Senior Advocacy Groups, Specialized Information and Referral, State Government Information Services

4040 Esplanade Way

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 414-2000

Agency for Persons with Disabilities

The agency supports persons with disabilities in living, learning and working in their community.

Services: Advocacy, Medical Information Services, Pediatric Developmental Assessment

2295 Victoria Ave

Fort Myers, FL 33901

(800) 615-8720

Our Charlotte Elder Affairs Network

OCEAN is a coalition whose members consists of public and private health, human services and social service organizations, and others concerned with elder issues and related unmet needs.

Services: Aging Associations, Senior Advocacy Groups, Senior Housing Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral

PO Box 496269

Port Charlotte, FL 33949

(941) 763-2195

Center for Autism and Related Disabilities

CARD Program provides information and consultation to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities.

Services: Disability Associations, Disease/Disability Information, Specialized Information and Referral

3299 USF Banyan Circle MHC15

University of South Florida

Tampa, FL 33612

(813) 974-2532

Home Instead Senior Care

Home Instead provides in-home care for seniors, including companionship, home-helper services, personal care, transportation/errand running, meal prep, Alzheimer's and other dementia care, transitional care services, respite care, and hospice support.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Dementia Management, Errand Running/Shopping Assistance, Friendly Visiting, Homemaker Assistance, In Home Hospice Care, Personal Care, Senior Ride Programs

520 E. Olympia Ave

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 444-6995

Senior Friendship Center at Charlotte Towers

Senior Friendship Center meal sites offer congregate meals and socialization.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Multipurpose Centers, Senior Centers

27420 Voyageur Dr

Pt Charlotte, FL 33983

(941) 255-0723

Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida

Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida is an aging and disability resource center that provides information and referral to services for older adults (60 yrs old +) , and adults with disabilities (18-59 yrs.

Services: Adult Day Programs, Adult In Home Respite Care, Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Area Agencies on Aging, Case/Care Management, Case/Care Management Referrals, Disability Related Transportation, Elder Abuse Prevention, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Emergency Medical Information Alert Systems, Home Delivered Meals, Home Health Aide Services, Homemaker Assistance, Medicare Information/Counseling, Mental Health Self Management Programs, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Paratransit Programs, Personal Care, Senior Ride Programs, Specialized Information and Referral

2830 Winkler Ave, Ste 112

Fort Myers, FL 33916

(239) 652-6900

Senior Friendship Centers of Charlotte County

Senior Friendship Center meal sites offer congregate meals and socialization through out Charlotte County.

27420 Voyageur Dr

Pt Charlotte, FL 33983

(941) 255-0723

Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 82

Assist Veterans and their families in obtaining compensation, pensions, medical care, insurance, educational and death benefits from the Veterans administration and other government agencies.

Services: Benefits and Services Assistance, Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Paratransit Programs, Support Groups, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Support Groups

1232 Market Circle, Unit 2B

Pt Charlotte, FL 33953

(941) 629-2833

Viewing 1-10 of 125 results (listed by best match)
