Children, Youth and Families

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Florida Department of Children and Families

DCF administers the SNAP/Food Stamps, Medicaid (including Medicare Savings Plans and Waiver services) and TANF/Temporary Aid to Needy Families public assistance programs.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Adoptive Family Recruitment, Adult Protective Services, Child Abuse Hotlines, Child Care Provider Licensing, Child Care Provider Training, Children's Protective Services, Disaster Food Stamps, EBT Card Services, Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting, Emergency Related Eviction/Foreclosure Moratoriums, Food Stamps/SNAP, Foster Home Licensing, Foster Home Placement, Government Information Services, Human Trafficking Shelters, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Pre-Employment Background Checks, State Medicaid Waiver Programs

2295 Victoria Ave

Fort Myers, FL 33901

(239) 332-2822

Jewish Family & Children's Service

In Charlotte, JFCS administers only its Operation Military Assistance Program (OMAP), which provides housing assistance for qualifying veteran families who are homeless or about to be homeless.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Case/Care Management, Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies, Rapid Re-Housing Programs, Street Outreach Programs, Veteran Benefits Assistance

4045 Tamiami Trail, Unit A

Port Charlotte, FL 33952

(941) 366-2224 x630

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches are residential programs that provide a healthy living environment and operate summer camps for troubled and/or underprivileged youth.

Services: Group Homes for Dependent Children, Summer Camps

751 Rye Wilderness Trail

Parrish, FL 34219

(941) 776-1777

Charlotte County Family YMCA (Charlotte Harbor Pre-school)

YMCA's Child Development Centers offer infant/toddler care, free VPK, before/after school care and day camp (school release day care).

Services: Child Care Centers, Day Camps, Summer Food Service Programs

22416 Glass Lane

Port Charlotte, FL 33980

(941) 629-2220

Charlotte County Family YMCA - Bayfront Center

In addition to playing host to a sailing program and exercise classes, the Bayfront Center provides rental facilities for weddings, receptions, business and social meetings, private celebrations, club socials and the dinners.

Services: Conference/Convention Facilities, Wedding Sites, Y Facilities

750 W Retta Esplanade

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(941) 505-0999

Charlotte County Family YMCA - YMCA CDC at Franz Ross

YMCA's Child Development Centers offer infant/toddler care, free VPK, before/after school care and day camp (school release day care).

Services: Child Care Centers, Day Camps

19333 Quesada Ave

Port Charlotte, FL 33948

(941) 391-5079

Children's Medical Services

The Children's Medical Services (CMS) Network is a health care program specifically designed for children with special needs.

Services: Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Patient/Family Support Services

1700 S. Tamiami Trail

Sarasota, FL 34239

(941) 487-5403

Children's Rights Council

Agency works to assure children meaningful and continuing contact with both their parents and extended family regardless of the parents' marital status.

Services: Children's Rights Groups, Co-Parenting Workshops, Parent Rights Classes

1296 Cronson Blvd

Suite 3086

Crofton, MD 21114

(301) 459-1220

Healthy Families Charlotte

Healthy Families features a Free Home Visiting program with a focus on parenting, child development and safety education as well as connecting families with needed resources in the area.

Services: Family Resource Centers/Outreach, Home Based Parenting Education, Parenting Skills Classes

992 Tamiami Trl Unit H1

Port Charlotte, FL 33953

(941) 629-6477

Florida Baptist Children's Homes

Christian faith based agency.

Services: Child Care Volunteer Opportunities, Clerical Volunteer Opportunities, Foster Home Licensing, Foster Home Placement, Foster Parent/Family Recruitment, Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities

4551 Camino Way

Fort Myers, FL 33966

(239) 931-0487

Viewing 1-10 of 67 results (listed by best match)
