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Flood Preparedness Information
Taxonomy Code: TH-1700.1800-220
Programs that increase public awareness of the measures that people can take to protect lives and property in case of a flash flood; flooding from storm tides, tidal surges, ice break-ups, heavy rains or a hurricane; or dams or levees that have failed. Information about the community's warning system signaling that flooding is imminent is included. Also included are programs that provide fact sheets, maps and other types of information about flood zones (areas in which 100-year flood events may occur), inundation hazard areas (areas downstream from dams that are subject to flooding in the event of dam failure, areas at risk for inundation due to a tsunami and areas subject to inundation caused by seismically or landslide related back and forth wave action in enclosed or partially enclosed bodies of water such as lakes, harbors and channels) and other technical information related to flooding that individuals and communities can review and evaluate to see if their area is at risk.
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